Thursday, November 18, 2010

Work: Week 5... Check!

Friday, November 12th 
Friday was yet another long day at the office. I spent my morning checking trade flows, listening in on some conference calls, and running regression tests. After Hummus Bros for lunch (never fails to disappoint), my major task for the afternoon was to edit and make additions to the BCP, or Business Crisis Plan. Essentially, it is a 60-page document that my boss is in charge of making for our department in case of an internal or external crisis, covering everything from a bomb threat to a computer crash. Once the update is complete and signed-off on, it will be sent to every employee and secured on their hard drive, so they have easy accessibility to it in case of an event. It’s all very important, but what does this have to do with investment banking!?... I digress.
I spent about five hours manually typing updated information into the online editing software, saving my progress often. About five minutes after I completed it, I went back to double-check some numbers, when I saw my five-hours of work completely scrambled and reformatted. Nothing was in the correct tables, everything have been shuffled around, and nothing made sense. I almost cried. I managed to calmly tell my boss the situation, who very casually said to me, “Oh, it must be a bug. E-mail the developers and tell them what you’ve encountered.” This was not what I needed on a rainy, Friday afternoon.  No quick resolve; they would have to “look into it.” I worked on our November Project Team release for the rest of the day before heading out for the weekend. 
Although it was pitch dark and drizzling, I couldn’t wait to get back to Courtfield. Maggie, Carolyn, and I had dinner at our flat before heading out to the Imperial College Union: the student bar at Imperial College. It is very conveniently located, just a few blocks away in South Kensington (no tube needed!), and the drinks are known to be heap. The atmosphere was a little bit different then we expected, but it turned out to be a fun night. We even met a kid who goes to Carnegie Mellon and grew up with one of Carolyn’s good friends from Wake… such a small world! He said he couldn’t really tell if we had American accents when we first walked by, but heard a lot of “likes” and “oh my gods,” so he knew we must have been from the states. Such a compliment? 
The night proved to be a fun outing to end our hectic weeks, yet at the same time, we were able to simply walk home when we all hit the point of exhaustion. We need to rest up… tomorrow we have some shopping planned!

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