Monday, November 22, 2010

Single Digits

Thursday, November 18th
Thursday was a hectic day with so much to do, but so little time. Work was, well… work. More EQPB managing was shoved my way, in addition to regression tests, NY conference calls, and averaging trade tests all before lunch.
A few weeks ago when we were going to see Jersey Boys, I had asked my boss for recommendations of good Asian restaurants in Leicester square. She asked if I like dim sum, but I told her I had never had it. Wrong answer apparently, because she insisted we would take a “team field trip” to Leicester Square one day for my first dim sum experience! After sending out an Outlook event invitation (everything here is so organized… I love it!), today was the day. We headed out about 11:30 with our other colleague and a friend of hers from downstairs, and returned around 1:30: what filled that span of time was a lot, a lot of dumplings. I can’t say I was the biggest fan (being a vegetarian made things difficult and some of the textures were just not my thing); however, the social aspect of the lunch was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed spending time with them (especially out of the office!).
The afternoon was rather stressful, with a repeat of last week’s software-deletion-disaster (the developers confirmed that they fixed the bug… I went in and made the changes all over again… three hours later it was all gone again) leaving me quite frustrated. My boss seemed pretty peeved with the software developers as well, and sent a relatively aggressive e-mail. I do have to say one of the major benefits of working with people in New York is you never have to worry about running into them in the elevator!
Once again, I got work assigned to me at quarter to six, officially making me the last person from our team in the office every day this week. Luckily, I finished by 6:15 and was able to get back to Courtfield as quickly as I could. After completing today, we only have nine more days of our internship left.... single digits!
After dinner with Ashley, Carolyn’s and my plan of action for the night was to finish our architecture papers, get information and reservations organized, and of course PACK! Tomorrow night, Carolyn, Maggie, Ashley, Allie, and I are all heading to Amsterdam for the weekend. It’s the one place I’ve been anxious to visit since I knew I was coming to London, so I’m very, very excited! Just have to make it one more day…

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