Tuesday, November 9, 2010

An Evening on Regent Street

After a wonderful sleeping in on Monday, waking up to our alarms on Tuesday was quite difficult.  With rain again greeting us outside our window (unfortunately, this weather seems here to stay), we tiredly got ready before heading out into the cold for yet another week of our placements.  At least we are into the second half!
Since I hadn't been in the office pretty much all last week, I turned on my computer to find a multitude of emails anxiously awaiting my reply.  After a few quick responses and sending a couple things to stores, Emily, the PR Manager, approached me asking if I could help at the Regent Street launch party tonight.  Since the location has just reopened, they have planned an intimate get together for employees and friends in the industry.  I of course agreed, thinking that it would be good experience, even if it did cut into my relaxation time tonight.  After that was sorted, Anne called me in to her office to discuss another project for me.  The company is planning on launching a new fragrance in September, and I was put in charge of preparing all the research to be done in store.  That took up most of my morning, and by the time 2 pm rolled around I was more than ready for lunch.  Since I hadn't been there in a week I thought it would only be appropriate to go to Whole Foods.  As I walked in a was greeted by a big surprise: a huge pile of clementines!  This made me so excited, as the fruit (for me at least) is just another sign that Christmas is right around the corner!  After a wonderful falafel wrap, I made my daily stroll through one of the High Street stores (today it was Urban) before making my way back to Kelso Place.  When I came back, I was greeted by Caroline, the Visual Merchandising Manager, who asked if I could join her at Regent Street to set up for the party.  I of course jumped at the chance, and hopped on the tube over to Piccadilly.  Once we arrived at the store, I helped her set up the front window and made sure everything around the store was in place.  It turns out that tonight was also Regent Street's official Christmas Light lighting, so the part of the street we were on was completely closed down to make way for a stage that would play host to a number of celebrities and musical groups.  The stage was only a block down from the store, so we got to hear and see everything!  As the party started at 6pm, I was on hand to check coats, take pictures and sell raffle tickets.  I got to meet a few more people from the office as well as some of the guests.  At one point, I got to sneak out and see the cast of Jersey Boys, who were performing as special guests at the lighting!  Just a little preview for our next trip (which is sooner than you think).  Although the party was only supposed to last an hour, there were still loads of people inside at 8, so Emily let me leave.  Although it was extremely tiring, I was glad I did it; it was nice to see everyone outside the office for a change.  And I got two glasses of champagne and a goody bag out of it, so I can't complain...
Feet hurting, I made my way back to Piccadilly and returned to Gloucester Road.  After greeting Lauren and momentarily collapsing on my bed, I ate a quick dinner and am now catching up on emails and making appointments for when I return to CT!  On the agenda for the rest of the night is a little Gossip Girl and then a much needed early sleep - although my motto here has been "I'll sleep when I get home," I'm realizing that a girl does need at least a solid 8 hours every once in a while!
    xo Carolyn

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