Sunday, November 28, 2010

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful....But Really

Tuesday, November 23rd
Today began our second to last week of placements...hard to believe!!  A cold front has settled in on London as well as the rest of England, so Lauren and I made sure to bundle up as we walked to our respective offices.
My day was not too eventful, consisting mostly of replying to various emails and working on the quarterly newsletter.  In the afternoon, I had to run a few errands around Knightsbridge; our Brompton Road store is closing this coming weekend, so I picked up a few promotional materials from the manager.  I felt so bad taking things away, especially with the holidays coming up.  It must be hard for them, but unfortunately the world of high rent and low sales reigns - hopefully they will be transferred to different London store locations.  After returning to Kelso Place and completing a few last tasks, I was free to venture back out into the cold and head home.
After Lauren came home, we had a quiet dinner with Maggie before coming back to the room and lounging for the night.  I want to get a good sleep, as I'm having some guests arrive tomorrow that I am super excited about!!
    xo Carolyn

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