Thursday, November 11, 2010

Oh What a (Third) Night

Wednesday morning meant up and out by eight once again, but this time we were greeted by utterly freezing weather. Guess it’s the beginning preparations for my return to Boston’s frigidity!
My work day was very busy, with many smaller scale projects needing to be completed. I managed to write three document releases for the IRFE November Release, regarding testing scenarios requiring sign-off this month. Additionally, I finalized the Scope Document Template which is going to be implemented department wide for all new testing requests. The afternoon was full of writing and replying to e-mails and making phone calls to higher-ups (I don’t know why I’ve been delegated this responsibility) giving demos on functionality fix releases. The second the clock ticked six (or 18:00… I hate that system), I was out the door, headed to Leicester Square for the highlight of my day (and week)… Jersey Boys round three! But this just wasn’t any performance of Jersey Boys. You see, I scoped out online when the understudy would be performing (we saw him when my parents were here... Carolyn and I fell in love and were determined to see him again) and then snatched up three FRONT ROW tickets for about £20 pounds each (partial restricted view but who cares when you’re feet away from Scott!... we’re not stalkers I swear).
I met Carolyn and Maggie in front of the theatre, where I picked up the tickets on hold for us, before heading to Tuk Tuk Noodle Bar, a favorite of Ashley and Maggie's for their lunch hour. After some pad thai, we headed to the Prince William Theatre for the main attraction. Our seats clearly had a restricted view, but they were also definitely up close and personal, which is a perfectly fine trade-off in my opinion. Carolyn and I had raved to Maggie about Scott’s performance, and even by intermission she had no contest to our argument, although she and Carolyn prefer the Scottish actor who plays Bob Gaudio (fine with me… less competition for Scott!). Carolyn and I both agree we could see the show every night and never get tired of it. I've already thought of a blog post title if we see it a fourth time! (I can already see my dad shaking his head...)
After an incredible performance, we (and by we I mean I) couldn’t leave without waiting by the stage door. Despite it being frigid out (dedication right there) we only waited for about 3 minutes before BOTH of our favorites exited the building. They signed some woman’s playbill before I asked “Do you mind taking a picture?” … “Not at all - of course!” in a charming British accent to top it all off. Maggie took the picture of the four of us (I think she thought I was a bit over the top… but hey, no regrets!), and although it’s a little blurry, it will definitely be swooned over for a while. (Stephen on the left, Scott on the right!)
 As we walked away, the two of them headed out as well, and Maggie observed, “They’re probably dating.” Although I would like to utterly deny that possibility, there could be some truth to that statement... but for now, I'll pretend there's not :) After all the excitement, we headed to Piccadilly Circus to catch the tube back to Courtfield, where Carolyn and I proceeded to have our own Jersey Boys sing-along (with some added dance moves) while getting ready for bed. I didn’t get to sleep until after 12:30 so that 6:45 alarm tomorrow morning is not going to be pretty...

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