Friday, November 5, 2010

Helllllo Front Office

The Thursday morning alarm was more difficult than usual: I had only gotten to sleep 6 hours earlier due to a night out with co-workers. The company had organized a charity quiz night, held at a pub called The Spectator, just down the street from our headquarters. Upon arrival, our supervisor from NYC bought me a drink, saying quote, “I remember what it’s like being an intern.” The night was great fun, and I was introduced to quite a few people which was very much appreciated; however, it was a little awkward seeing everyone on my floor drinking like there was no tomorrow (I can officially say I’ve seen my boss drunk!). Our team came in fourth place; I wasn’t much help except for the three American questions (West Virginia has the fattest children in case you were wondering! Is it sad I knew that one?). Since the tube strike was still going on, I had to take the District line back to Gloucester Road at around midnight. My boss walked me to the stop (since I had no idea where it was), which ended up being a blessing in disguise, since I’ve now discovered a much easier way of getting to work! Not having to switch lines is incredible.
Cue 8 o’clock (and after saying goodbye and wishing Carolyn a safe trip), I was back on the tube for another day at the office. My temporary desk in the Prime Brokerage front office is very interesting, to say the least. I’m sandwiched in-between two CSR’s who’s phones ring every 90 seconds, and after they get off, curse about their clients’ incompetence until the phone rings again. Let me tell you, the language tops any rap song or movie you’ll ever encounter. On the other side of the spectrum, I overhear $30 million FX trading deals being executed and see Goldman Sachs come up on my caller-ID. They even entered an option that morning with a $2mm premium. Not bad, huh? Unfortunately, I just sat there and ran my tests. So boring.
After lunch with another BU intern and another intern from Spain, Marisa instructed me to create a Scope of Work document template that the department has wanted to implement into its testing scenarios. Unfortunately, I had no idea what to do, so the afternoon was a little painful. Work continues on it tomorrow.
I left at 6 o’clock (in the dark of course) and made my way to the Mansion House underground, passing hundreds of people drinking outside of pubs along the way to my new stop. I love my new route, meandering through the old narrow alley ways (that have now been equipped with restaurants and pubs) that reigned in the City during the 1800s. It’s very Harry Potter like.
Once I arrived back to Courtfield, I had dinner with Ashley and Allie before lounging and watching some Grey’s Anatomy. I had intention of getting to bed early, but of course I saw midnight roll around. One more day ‘til the weekend. Amen.


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