Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wait... We're STILL Taking Classes Here!?

Sunday, November 14th
Sunday was, as always, a very lazy day. Carolyn and I both slept in until eleven, our latest ever here (and I think a personal record for me)!  Carolyn was productive and went and dropped off her laundry (I desperately need to do that), while I began (attempted) to crank out my Internship Tutorial essay due the next day.  The assignment was to write an essay, and create a PowerPoint, outlining a project you had been personally responsible for at your internship, forming it in a way that could be presented to future employers.  I opted to write about being assigned to create and compile the IRFE November 2010 release document for our department and all the steps involved in getting up to that point. I have to say, writing everything down and having to stretch it out to 2000 words does make it seem a lot more impressive than it really is!
I had already set-up camp in the basement, since when I try and work from my bed I always just end up on YouTube (of course that happened downstairs too), and Carolyn came and joined me for a few hours as well. Around 6, Maggie, Carolyn, and I were all starving so we decided to order Chinese take-out, being too lazy to cook or to go out to a restaurant. We found a new place on Earls Court, within 4 or 5 minutes walking distance of our flat, that was actually really good! Too bad we found it so late in the game (or actually good thing because we would have been getting it way too often)!
Carolyn and I spent the rest of our night writing our internship papers and getting started on our other essay for our Architecture class, as well. Time is going to be our worst enemy this week with two major papers to write, four full days of work, and a Friday departure for Amsterdam!  Wish us luck.

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