Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

The start of the Christmas season is marked by different things for everyone, but for a select few, myself included, the most wonderful time of the year is brought in with one resounding symbol: red Starbucks cups.  Hence, I am happy to say that this time is upon us, as I was overjoyed to pass by the High Street store this morning to see an array of festive red!!  I was also surrounded by Christmas spirit today as my "job" for this week at Crabtree is to work at the Spirit of Christmas Fair held at the Olympia.  Of course, the one morning I need the tube to get the work there is a strike, which is why I had to make my way up to High Street and catch a quick bus from there.  I got off right at the entrance of the convention center, which is kind of like London's Javitz Center; it is absolutely massive!  Crabtree & Evelyn are one of the main sponsors of the event, so we have a wonderful booth set up along with hundreds of other vendors.  The Fair is taking place in the Grand Hall, a beautiful arched room that has been decorated with gorgeous wreaths, trees and ribbons.  Throughout the day they pump in old school Christmas music as shoppers peruse the different stands and restaurants; when they played "Man with the Bag" I almost cried it made me so happy!
I arrived right at 9 am, meeting three other women there who each work at different London C&E retail locations.  After being at there all day yesterday helping set up, I was amazed how the entire space had been transformed into a bright, charming environment perfect for getting some holiday shopping done.  After setting out products and making sure everything was in order, we welcomed our first customers at 10 am. At first, I pretty much held back and watched what the experienced salespeople were doing, but by lunchtime I had become extremely familiar with each product and their respective prices.  When the afternoon rolled around, I grabbed a quick lunch so I could spend the majority of my one hour break browsing.  The booths were amazing; everything from cashmere to home decor to gourmet food was being sold, and everything was full of Christmas cheer.  I managed to snag a few "prezzies" for the fam (it will just have to be a surprise) so I was very happy!  At one point, I stopped at a jewelry booth as the necklaces displayed looked so familiar.  After wracking my brain, it finally clicked, and I asked the woman behind the counter, "do you sell your things at Darien Sport Shop?"  The woman, who was in the middle of ringing someone up, looked up with a shocked expression on her face.  "Where are you from?!" she asked.  Turns out she lives in Greenwich, but has always come to this show as she used to live in England.  When she asked me where I went to school and I replied Wake, her mouth dropped - "my daughter is a freshman at Wake."  Such a small world!  Turns out she lives in Luter (my freshman dorm) and is loving school.  I couldn't believe it; we both said how it was so nice getting to meet people randomly from home!  After chatting for a while, I returned to the booth where I spent the rest of the afternoon honing my sales skills.  By 6 pm the crowd was dwindling and it was time to pack up.  I was left to go while the others finished up restocking, allowing me to begin my long trek home.  After a 30 minute walk past seemingly endless bus lines, my feet couldn't take it anymore and I caught the first lit cab I could see.  A quick ride and I was back at Courtfield.  I had a quick dinner before Ashley and I decided we should go somewhere for dessert.  Our choice (of course) was the Creperie, where we both enjoyed chocolate and strawberry yummy.  Since our little outing, I have been hanging out in the room organizing and packing.  Hopefully the crepe I had tonight will not be my last for very long...I leave tomorrow night for Paris!!  And best of all, I'm meeting my mom, Courtney, Brittany AND Molly there, I cannot wait!!  Wishing Lauren was coming - I will just have to buy some chocolate for her :) A bientot!!
    xo Carolyn

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