Sunday, November 28, 2010

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Wednesday, November 24th
Wednesday morning was another freezing cold wake-up call, and a work-order was sent in to maintenance, as our room felt like an ice box. I bundled up for work and made the journey to the City; you know it’s cold when the tube windows start to fog up underground!
My day was busy with trade inputting (making sure, because of the U.S. holiday, they book correctly as a spot or forward), sending e-mails, conference calls, and testing averaging trades. I can’t say I’ll miss entering trades when I get home!
I made my way back to Courtfield around 6:30, and Carolyn and I had a flat dinner with Maggie, Ashley, and Allie before heading back out into the cold. We’d had our eye on the “Winter Wonderland” in Hyde Park since we first saw an advertisement in October, so we figured tonight was as good as ever to check it out.
A quick tube ride to Hyde Park Corner let us out to an extravagant Christmas wonderland, complete with gift vendors of all types, rides (including ferris wheel and roller coaster), ice skating rink, and of course, lots and lots of delicious food. Carolyn, Maggie, Ashley, and I walked the entire perimeter of the area, scoping out all of our delicious options (I was upset we had already eaten dinner!) before choosing our dessert locations. Ashley, Carolyn, and I got poffertjes (like the ones
I had in Amsterdam!) with nutella, vanilla custard, and powdered sugar, while Maggie opted for a fill-it-yourself candy bar, complete with everything from chocolate-covered almonds to gummy ropes to fudge!
After about an hour and a half of ooh-ing and ahh-ing at all the food and gift prospects, we all decided we’ll definitely be returning soon… with a lot of money and, more importantly, on an empty stomach!

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