Monday, November 22, 2010

Go Figure.... Skate!

Tuesday, November 16th
Tuesday morning meant back to work, this morning in the FRIGID cold. I think winter has finally arrived in London. Carolyn’s and my first e-mail exchange of the day (we correspond/complain via our corporate e-mail addresses… so posh) was even about how shockingly cold our commutes were. If it gets any colder, I might need to buy a new jacket… ;)
My boss didn’t get in until about noon time (she and her fiancée closed on an apartment), but I was welcomed by an e-mail from her with a list of about six things to do before she arrived at the office. It goes without saying, but my morning was pretty busy, testing flows and following up on e-mails for issues from the previous week.
During my lunch break, I headed to Moorgate to mail Brock and Collin’s birthday cards (I can’t believe it’s their first birthday already!) before heading to EAT, a sandwich take-away café that I’d been wanting to try. I headed back to the office with a grilled cranberry and brie baguette (so good) where I was delegated to deal with the EQPB team (we have a love hate relationship with them). We communicate with them in New York via Communicator (like corporate IM) or on conference calls, and they love to haunt us constantly. The issue is, we have access to levels of the trading platforms that they don’t (but should have) so our team ends up doing much of their verification and matching of trades. Not fun.
Carolyn, Allie, Ashley, and I, along with a few other flat mates, had made plans to meet up and go ice skating at the Natural History Museum Tuesday night. The session went from 7:45 to 8:45, but we were all planning on meeting up at 6:30 to buy the tickets and then get dinner in South Ken. Cue 5:45, when my boss decides to give me more work to do that needed to be done by the end of the day, while she had to leave for an appointment. 6:30 arrived and I was still at the office (the last one there from my project team none the less). I managed to finish about 6:40, sprint to and from the Tube, change from work to skating clothes, and meet everyone at the rink at 7:45 on the dot. I missed out on Thai Square and crepes (probably a good thing for my waistline), but was happy I didn’t miss out on any skating!
After everyone got their skates on (FYI European size = American size – 2), we headed out onto the ice. About four of us knew how to skate, a couple hadn’t been in about 10 years (no names), and one had never been on ice before. Ever. As one can imagine, this made for quite the entertaining start, but I have to give Carolyn and everyone else credit where credit is due: not one person from our group fell the entire hour! We did spend a couple of minutes in the kiddie rink though… ;)
  Kiddie Rink Anyone?
The atmosphere was so incredible, with Christmas lights strung around all the trees, the gorgeous museum behind us, a carousel, and a modern café/bar to warm up after. And I can’t forget the Christmas music playing in the background (including quite a few Walter favorites!).
After an hour of skating, everyone was pretty tired and ankles were starting to ache, so we headed up to the bar to hang out for a bit before heading back to Courtfield around 9:30. After a quick late dinner (I hadn’t eaten so you can imagine how famished I was), Carolyn and I worked on our Architecture papers for a little while before calling it a night.
We had such a great time skating (check it off the list!) that we’re already planning out next trip to the Somerset House rink… maybe next time I’ll teach Carolyn how to spin ;)

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