Monday, November 22, 2010

It's Really Only Wednesday?

Wednesday, November 17th
Today was a pretty quiet day in the office.  I spent the morning posting (not mailing) things to various stores, mostly more Christmas promotional material.  For lunch, I enjoyed some soup at Whole Foods while reading their Thanksgiving brochure.  You can order a full meal from the store and have it delivered to your home; if we weren't having guests it sounded amazing!  When I returned after my break, my main project was ordering product for an event in which the Birmingham store is participating.  I had my first experience in working in the CTO, which is the company's main database.  Extremely old school and difficult to navigate, but I figured it out!  I was also put in charge of putting together the next edition of the "Evelyn Standard," which is the company's quarterly newsletter.  I've had to email everyone in the office and stores asking if they would like anything to be included, and have been trying to think of some fun ideas of put in as articles.  By 4 pm it was pitch black outside, and when 5:30 arrived I was making my way back to Courtfield. 
After a relaxing dinner with Lauren and Maggie, we skeptically returned to our room to crank out our papers.  I have my final Internship Tutorial right after work tomorrow night, so I'm trying to get it finished!  We'll see....
    xo Carolyn

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