Monday, November 29, 2010

A Day in Neverland

Sunday, November 28th
Sundays are always my favorite days at BC because I get to be lazy and catch up on my TV shows, wear sweatpants all day, and spend hours on Facebook. Well, this Sunday in London was no exception. I woke up around 9AM, took a shower, and let the laziness begin. After some Desperate Housewives, blogging, and breakfast in bed, I decided I should cross something off my London list. So, with Carolyn heading out on a river cruise with Molly and her mom, I decided to take (yet another) trip to Harrods to admire the Christmas windows and buy a few small gifts; I can’t fit much more (if anything) back in my suitcase.
I took the packed tube to Knightsbridge, which wasn’t horrible since I’ve gotten used to it with my commute, but Harrods was a mob scene. Let’s just say my patience was definitely tested. Despite the crowds, I managed to meander my way through the food halls and gift shop, with a short stop at Tiffany’s, before viewing the Peter Pan themed windows outside. Although it seems like a very enchanting theme, the displays were quite bizarre (or high fashion… either one), and if I hadn’t known about the Peter Pan connection, I never would have guessed.
After a successful afternoon outing, I returned on the tube (only to meet a family from Suffield, CT!) back to Courtfield for some recently purchased Harrods tea and chocolate Buttons. After a leisurely dinner, Carolyn returned back and we FINALLY watched Camp Rock 2 (don’t judge); it only took us two months to find a time to sit down and watch it! Of course, Joe Jonas succeeded in melting my heart once again.
Tomorrow is the fourth tube strike, which means our travel options are pretty limited. Our field trip for tomorrow has been switched to a walk around Chelsea in order to accommodate, but with a forecast of 2°C, we’re going to freeze! Wish us luck (and warmth).

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