Monday, November 1, 2010

Oh What a Night, Part 2

Saturday, October 30th
This was the first weekend in nearly a month that I have stayed home in London, and I have to admit that it was a wonderful, relaxing change!  Saturday was the Cassels' last full day here visiting before they head to Southampton to begin their cruise, so we wanted to make the absolute most of it.  Lauren and I woke up bright (well actually dark) and early and made our way to the Grosvenor for an 8 o'clock breakfast.  We enjoyed a delicious array of fruits and baked goods in the gorgeous lounge on the executive level; it was such a treat!  After enjoying a leisurely bite, we all made our way back to the tube and headed to Leicester Square, as we wanted to try to get tickets to a matinee show.  We didn't have to go far, as we found amazing seats for Jersey Boys at one of the ticket booths in the station!  The Cassels had not seen the show yet, and Lauren and I could not have been more excited to see it again; it wasn't a minute after we were handed the tickets that we started humming the tunes!
With our afternoon activity set, we set out for St. Paul's Cathedral.  This has of course been on mine and Lauren's to do list since we've arrived here, and since the Cassels had not yet visited either we thought this would be the perfect opportunity.  Upon our arrival, we opted for a guided tour so we would have a chance to see the whole of the cathedral.  St. Paul's was built in the City of London during the 17th century by Sir Christopher Wren; it was constructed after the "old St. Paul's" was gutted by the Great Fire. Since its beginning, it has been the heart of the Church of England, holding important events such as Churchill's state funeral and Charles & Diana's wedding.  Inside, we got to walk around the nave, which boasts three different chapels adorned in ornate stonework and bright tile murals.  We stood in the spot where the one bomb that damaged the cathedral dropped through the roof, and got to sit in one of the side chapels where the Queen visits.  After exploring the main part of the building, we made our way downstairs to the crypt, the burial site of both the Duke of Wellington and Lord Nelson.  Downstairs in yet another chapel they were holding a wedding (yet again, Lauren and I are the wedding magnets); it was beautiful inside, but I don't know how I would feel about getting married in a crypt!  When our tour ended, we decided to climb up to the upper levels of the cathedral.  The first is known as the "Whispering Gallery;"  it lines the bottom of the circular dome, and if you whisper something into the wall, the person across the way can apparently hear it crystal clear.  While the climb up there wasn't bad, when I got up there I could barely was so high!!  Of course Lauren and Mr. Cassel were fine, so they were nonchalantly looking over the railings while I was sitting against the wall, hands sweating, barely able to speak.  Lauren was very good and didn't make (too much) fun of me, but held my hand as we made our way around the gallery.  When we finished walking around, I decided to call it quits and head back downstairs to meet Mrs. Cassel as Lauren and Mr. Cassel decided to go up one more flight so the outdoor Stone Gallery, which from her pictures boasts gorgeous views.  Maybe next time...
By the time we were finished at the Cathedral, we were starving.  Since we only had about two hours before the show, we decided to head over to the theater and find somewhere close.  As luck would have it, Chinatown is only about a five minute's walk away, so we strolled down the lantern-lined streets until we settled on an authentic Chinese buffet.  Wasn't the nicest of atmospheres, but the food was amazing!  By the time we had finished (making sure our plates were cleaned, as there was a "waste charge"), it was time to head back to the Prince Edward Theatre for the matinee.  The show, yet again, was absolutely AMAZING.  Three of the four leads were different from our first time, so it was really interesting to see it with new characters and voices!  We have become re-obsessed with the music -  it is really one of the shows that I could see every night and not get tired of; the music is so catchy, the storyline is funny and emotional, and the guys are too cute!  Lauren and I are planning on 20 pound tickets the last week of our internship for one more night of the Four Seasons...can't wait!
Singing along to the songs in our head, the four of us returned to the Grosvenor for a much needed afternoon break of tea and cookies.  Enjoying our little snack, we ended up sitting right next to the owner of the San Francisco 49ers...they were here this weekend for an exhibition game against the Broncos, and the entire team was staying at the hotel!  We learned this when we were joined in the elevator earlier in the day by two giant men, including one Samoan that could probably eat Lauren and I for breakfast, he was enormous!  After majorly eavesdropping on the group's conversation, it was time to meet Paul, the Cassels' family friend, for dinner at one of his favorite Italian restaurants.  A few minute's walk from the Grosvenor, the spot was small and cozy, serving the most amazing pasta and desserts...we felt like we were back in Italy!
After a lovely meal together, we returned to the Grosvenor and chatted for a bit until it was time to say goodbye.  The Cassels are leaving in the morning for Southampton, and since we have been a bit deprived of sleep lately, we decided to say goodbye tonight.  We had so much fun with them this weekend - nothing like having a little Wilton in London!  We wish they could stay longer, but we can't wait to hear all about their cruising adventures!
   xo Carolyn

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