Saturday, October 2, 2010

Working for the Weekend

Wednesday was another day of work, work, work. I first had my “Internship Tutorial,” where our professor explained how he would be grading us for our internship “course”. Strangely, the program has absolutely no contact with our company; instead, we have to write three different papers. Can’t wait. Whenever I would complain about my school work, my mom would say, “Wait until you have to work!” and I would reply, “At least you don’t have homework!” Well now we get to experience the best of both worlds. Not. Two weeks from now will be our second day of our internship, and I think we are all in for a big wake up call.
After a quick lunch, I returned back to Harrington Gardens for another four hour lecture, but I would also be presenting our group project about foreign direct investment in China. I volunteered our group to go first because I knew sitting through an hour of other groups presenting would not be good for my nerves. It was a great feeling having our presentation done with, sitting back, and watching everybody else. Once I got out of class at 5:15, it was time for dinner before finishing up my paper for International Management. Luckily, I had finished most of it the night previous, so by 8 it was done and Carolyn, Maggie, and I were able to watch this week’s Glee episode on Carolyn’s computer (along with some imported microwave popcorn!). It was a much needed and welcomed break after three days of group meetings, papers, lectures, and presentations. Eight more hours of class… hopefully we make it!
xo LC

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