Tuesday, September 28, 2010

One Week!

I decided I would take a quick break from my Advertising paper I'm currently working on to tell you about our Tuesday.  We woke up to the cold yet again this morning, but were overjoyed when one of the housekeepers knocked on our door, blankets in hand, to come in and turn on our heat!  Finally, no more living in an igloo!  After that relief, we both had our classes for the day.  I had my first of two presentations this week, which was such a relief to get over with - there's nothing better than being able to check something off of my to do list!  After class we had a nice lunch before it was time to get right back into work.  As I started the paper that I am still in the process of figuring out, Lauren was very studious and worked on her International Markets paper.  With a few hours of work under my belt, I ran out to pick up my dry cleaning that I dropped off yesterday.  This was the first time I have gotten anything dry cleaned here, and after paying for it, I'm going to do it as rarely as possible.  But luckily my things came out all nice and clean (not too many, Mom, don't worry)!  A quick run to Waitrose and I was back with Lauren in the kitchen making dinner.  We ate with a few of our flatmates, talking about all we had to get done before the end of the week.  Après dîner (I'm practicing for our Paris trip!), we both had group meetings to attend, and now we're both back at our papers.  We were going to try to be really productive and watch Project Runway tonight, but we'll see how that goes.  We're just trying to keep reminding ourselves that we're almost done - a week from right now we will be basking in Florence!
    xo Carolyn

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