Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tea for FOUR!

With a meeting time of 9AM, I woke up about 8 on Friday morning to meet Carolyn and Mrs. Toll in the lobby of the Marriott down the street. We had a full day ahead of us, but the first stop was “The Muffin Man,” the adorable bakery/café we had found the first week we arrived (and Carolyn wrote previously about how her mom would love it!). Carolyn had an incredible banana toffee muffin, while Mrs. Toll and I opted for a classic scone that was fabulous. And of course, tea. Mrs. Toll, Carolyn, and I each can’t put our finger on it, but there is something about the tea here that is ten times better than the tea at home. We want to know the secret!
After breakfast, we headed back to the Marriott to meet Brittany, Pam, and Mrs. Hoag! Even after months of not seeing eachother, our reunions are as though we just saw eachother yesterday; it’s the best feeling. Before leaving South Ken for the day, we showed everyone our neighborhood, flat, kitchen, and class building before heading to our first major stop of the day: the London Eye! It was supposed to be a temporary attraction (like the Eiffel Tower), but proved so popular it’s here to stay! It’s also the tallest cantilevered observation wheel in the world. When we got to Westminster, we were able to take some group pictures in front of the Eye, Parliament, and Big Ben, as well.
Once we got our tickets, we only had a 10-15 minute wait (which is really good) until our assigned time slot, so we went and saw “The London Eye 4-D Experience.” It was cute and the scenes of London were beautiful, but Disney could give them a few (major) tips. After that finished, we were able to hop right onto the Eye for our 30-minute aerial view of the city. We were so lucky to have a sunny clear day, so at the top we could pretty much see the entire expanse of the city, including views of St. Pauls, the Gherkin, Buckingham Palace, Canary Wharf, London Bridge, and the list goes on. It’s a quintessential London attraction and was great during the day, but Carolyn and I are already itching to go back at night!
By the time we finished at Westminster, it was about 1 o’clock and we were all starving. So naturally, we headed to Harrods for lunch! This place NEVER gets old; it’s just as pleasantly overwhelming and magical each and every time. Café Harrods was our restaurant of choosing… and it was an excellent choice. With a little time off our feet and a good meal, we were ready to hit the ground (or floors) running. From the food halls to the dresses (and of course the Christian Louboutin display) all of us were like kids in a candy store.
After Harrods, we headed across the street for Brittany and Pam to take in all that is TopShop. However, by 3:30, we were all a little weary and decided to split for a short afternoon break at our respective abodes before the big celebration! The rest of the afternoon flew by, and before I knew it, it was 6:40 (when I was supposed to meet Mrs. Toll and Carolyn at the hotel). We tried to get a cab from the hotel, but no such luck. Available Black Cabs on a weekend night are a rarity. So, we ventured down Cromwell (all in heels) until we finally found a taxi about two blocks down. Our destination? Beach Blanket Babylon in Notting Hill for Brittany’s 21st birthday dinner! The interior was very eclectic, with many different rooms, each with their own vibe; we ended up in a second floor tower of-sorts (we had to climb a draw bridge to get there!). After a champagne toast to the birthday girl, we wined and dined over risotto and bread (nom) before the waiters came to sing “Happy Birthday” to Brittany over chocolate cake.
Around 9:30 we parted ways with Mr. and Mrs. Hoag and Mrs. Toll, and the four girls jumped in a cab for a quick stop back at Courtfield (for a much-needed change of shoes). After Dumpling took a fall (only three other people will understand this, but it’s a much needed mention), we headed back in a cab to Picadilly Circus to continue the celebration. Literally as our feet touched the pavement, one of those annoying solicitor guys came up to us saying “Are you girls going clubbing!?” Carolyn and I ordinarily just say no thanks and keep walking and that’s the end of it, but Pam goes, “NO! We’re going home to bed!” (apparently the Italian men are much more aggressive and she already has her lines down… they taught me BASTA). I think he was so thrown off it worked like a charm!
After a fun night (including a playing of "Dynamite" dedicated to Brittany) we parted ways. Tomorrow is Brittany & Pam’s last day in London… so much to do, so little time!
xo LC

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