Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday, Monday

With our whirlwind weekend behind us, it was back to the real world and the start of a new week.  Unfortunately, it started out a little earlier than we were expecting; at 12:40 this morning I was just about to fall asleep when the fire alarm went off.  After a "this has to be a joke" moment, I jolted out of bed and threw a sweatshirt on.  Our roommate Christine followed suit, but I can't exactly say the same for Lauren.  I pretty much had to shake her for two minutes before she finally woke up...that girl can sleep!  After quickly putting our shoes on, we ran (more like stumbled) down the stairs and down into the main entryway, our eyes still half closed.  Of course right as we're going out the door everyone who had gone outside came back in and told us it was ok to go back up.  So all in all a great start to the week!
This morning's classes were good; it still seems so weird that we only have two weeks left until finals!  After we were let out, Lauren was her studious self and came back to work on an assignment while I made a quick run to Whole Foods.  By the time I made it there I was starving, so I decided to try eating on the store's third floor, which pretty much has an type of lunch food imaginable.  Afterwards I made a quick trip to Marks and Spencer to buy picture frames that I have been meaning to get since I've arrived here.  So now the little ledge next to my bed is finally filled!
The rest of the afternoon and evening was spent reading, makingdinner and meeting with a project group.  Right now we're relaxing in the room and getting ready to watch "Project Runway!  Mr. Cassel very kindly taped the show for us, along with some of our other favorites that are too embarrassing to mention here, and sent them over with my mom.  We can't wait to watch!
The weather here today was so gorgeous, I was actually really warm running errands!  Hopefully the next few days stay like this so we can get some final wear out of the too many summer clothes we brought over!
    xo Carolyn

1 comment:

  1. This week the new season started and my 2 DVR's are really busy. I'm trying out a lot of the newbies in addition to the regular ones I watch and both of you are going to have a lot to catch up on. Tell Jules to tape a lot of the new ones so you can get a taste to see which ones you like.
    It soulds like you had a fabulous weekend and are having the time of your lives.
    I look forward to reading your blog everyday and am faithfully keeping up with it.
