Friday, September 17, 2010

Oh What a Night

Wednesday morning meant another 7AM wake-up call for me; except this time, it wasn’t for class. This morning was the rescheduled date for my interview at JPMorgan. I had stayed up late Tuesday night reading the company's 10-K and researching current events, and although I felt prepared, I was still a nervous wreck. I managed to put together a “suit” look (we were told to wear one to the interview) and although Carolyn approved, I still felt a little out of my element. At around 9, I made my way to the tube where I took the Piccadilly line about eight stops before switching to the Central line. Not only was the station mobbed, but I had to wait for three trains to come through before I was able to squeeze (literally squeeze… people were closer together than at Tiger Tiger!) my way into the masses of men in suits. Fortunately, I was only one stop away from my destination station, St. Paul’s Cathedral. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to find my way to the office without Carolyn as my GPS, but within a few minutes I had arrived at the JPMorgan European headquarters: 125 London Wall. Security was pretty intense, but after a phone call or two, I finally got cleared and was ordered an elevator (coolest system ever) to head up to the 12th floor for my interview. The woman who interviewed me, Marisa, was a little intimidating at first, but by the end was very sweet. Relief set in when, after a few seconds of silence, she asked, “So when can you start?” After discussing a few logistics (including the multitude of security forms and information I need to hand over), she showed me where I will be sitting and introduced me to another employee on our project team before I headed back to South Ken. Working 9-6 with a 45-minute commute each way is going to be a real-world wake up call for me, but I’m excited to begin the journey.
Once I got back to South Ken, I had a group meeting at noon for my International Management class, followed by a four hour lecture for the same class from 1:15 to 5:15. Around 1, Carolyn, Maggie, and Ashley came in to hear how the interview had went. After I had told them, Carolyn quickly exclaimed, “We really want to go to a show tonight!” I of course had no problem with the prospect, and continued on with my afternoon of academics before heading back to Courtfield a little after five. The plan was to leave here at 6 in order to get to Leicester Square at 6:30 for “Student Rush” tickets. After a quick dinner, we managed to get to the theatre by 6:45. Our show of choice? Jersey Boys! Carolyn had seen it twice before and had given it rave reviews, and Maggie, Ashley, and I had all been dying to see it. When we got to the box office, we inquired if they had any Student Rush tickets still available, with which the woman replied, “Yes; they’re 25 pounds each for best available; normally 63.” We all looked at each other with the natural “what does the best available mean?” stare, figuring they would be nose-bleed seats. “Third row,” she said. SOLD! In a matter of 5 minutes, we had gone from ticketless to third-row ticket holders for Jersey Boys. I guess this whole “student” thing really does have its perks. After having enough time for a gelato and bakery stop (do we ever pass up the opportunity for food?) it was time to get our seats… which were fantastic. Right then, before the show even started, we all decided this should be a Wednesday night tradition. Honestly, I don’t have the words to describe the show, but I’ll use just one for now: incredible! The songs were obviously the highlight, and the actor who played Frankie Valli had the most amazing voice. From “Sherry” and “Big Girls Don’t Cry” to “Oh What a Night” and “Walk Like a Man” not one note disappointed. Now we all understand why Carolyn has seen it a total of three times! I’m already thinking of when I can see it next.
 On our journey back, I think we were officially labeled “loud Americans” as we all sang Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons songs on repeat (not exactly on key) from the theatre exit to the doors of our flat. Within eight hours we had gone from having no plans, to sitting in the third row of a “Broadway” show for 25 pounds: another reason to add to the list of why we LOVE London.
One more four-hour class tomorrow before Mrs. Toll, Mr. and Mrs. Hoag, Brittany, and Pam arrive; we’re anxiously awaiting their arrival! This weekend is going to be one for the (scrap)books!
   xo LC

1 comment:

  1. You girls really have a rough life but don't expect me to feel sorry for you. You're really making the most of every day.
    Lauren, I've already seen Jersey Boys twice so I know why you enjoyed it as much as you did.
    If you haven't seen the Lion King I would definitely recommend it. We saw it in London when we were there but I had already seen it in NY. I know people that have seen the Buddy Holly story there numerous times so I'm sure that will be a winner.

    Spoke to mom and dad earlier today and was told about your exciting upcoming weekend. I'm sure it will be great.

    Congratulations on your job although it sounds like you really have your work cut out for you with the hours, the traveling and school. Now you'll know what it's like to work for a living.
