Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our Lazy Sunday

Ah, Sunday, the day of rest.  And for the most part, that is exactly what we have done!  After a much needed full night of sleep, we woke up to the sunshine streaming through our flat windows; it was literally the perfect morning out.  To celebrate this glorious weather, we thought we would start the day off right with a relaxing Sunday brunch.  Lauren and I, along with two of our other flatmates, strolled over to High Street to try this place we had all seen and were looking forward to trying.  My Old Dutch pancake house is a little restaurant tucked away from the hustle and bustle of High Street.  Being the tech-savvy girls that we are, we had managed to find the menu online beforehand, which made us even more excited to go.  Their specialty is, of course, dutch pancakes that are about the diameter of an extra large pizza.  Lauren and I both opted for a new menu item that I'm not even going to attempt to spell out.  They were small, fluffy pancakes covered with berry compote and whipped cream.  Need I say more?  After our plates were successfully polished off, we leisurely made our way back home, and by leisurely I mean going as slow as we possibly could, as we knew what was waiting for us when we got back.
The whole idea of doing work here is still a difficult one for us, but we decided that this afternoon would be dedicated to being at least somewhat productive.  We spent a few hours reading, taking notes, and organizing all our syllabi and papers, but it wasn't until too long that we decided we had done enough for the day.  I mean we don't want to be sitting inside all day, right?! 
Since we had pretty much crashed after our outing yesterday and didn’t really leave our room, we thought we should go out and find somewhere new to eat for dinner tonight.  We have both been craving Mexican, so after a thorough search online, we settled on Tequila Tex Mex in Notting Hill.  I think Lauren can attest to the fact that I almost cried when I began eating my fajitas; I have really missed them since Wake!  After what Lauren coined an “epic” meal, we made our way back home on the tube.  Of course the one we get on gets stuck for about five minutes at the station before Gloucester; I think the transportation gods have something against us. 
Right now we’re just hanging out, reading the latest on Perez (you don’t have to tell us we’re pathetic), and getting ready to go to the Thames River Festival tonight, which is this huge festival that has been going on all weekend.  They’re having a big fireworks display tonight, and since neither of us are going to Disney until next year, we figured we should get our fix!  Hopefully we refrain from singing Wishes…no guarantees.
   xo Carolyn

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