Saturday, September 4, 2010

Langtrys & Langley

On Thursday morning our alarms woke us not for orientation, but for a different reason: the first day of class. Being the core course for our individual program track, mine is entitled “International Management Environment” while Carolyn’s is “British & European Marketing Strategy,” both beginning at 9AM. We first made a quick stop at the library to print out a few items, then parted ways, each of us with a bit of first day of school jitters. Thankfully, neither of us had anything to worry about. Both our professors are wonderful, and each made the four hour session a tad more bearable with their charming accents: Scottish and Irish. After class let out, I relaxed and worked on uploading my pictures while Carolyn had her interview at Ralph Lauren. To no one’s surprise, Bond Street officially has a new RL intern! As I was sitting on our loft waiting for Carolyn’s return, I heard an unmistakable familiar voice: Mr. Bauer! Carolyn’s grandparents were in town for just one night, en route to a family wedding in Germany. They would undoubtedly visit with their granddaughter, but I was privileged enough to be wined and dined at one of London’s finest hotels, owned by Carolyn’s grandfather: The Cadogen!

Upon entering, guests are greeted by a beautiful portrait of Princess Charlotte of Wales (lovingly referred to as Esmeralda by Courtney) and a classically elegant décor. We then took the old-fashioned lift, complete with wrought iron gate, to the fifth floor where we enjoyed a glass of champagne and stories of Princess Diana and Fergie. How much more British can it get? As dinner hour quickly approached, we headed down to Langtry’s Restaurant, named after Lillie Langtry, high-society woman and actress (she did, however, have an affair with Oscar Wilde at the Codogan itself!). We enjoyed a fabulous meal, served by what I thought was a British Kevin Jonas look-a-like (Carolyn isn’t sold on the idea), but the icing on the cake (literally!) was dessert: warm banana and walnut bread with a maple syrup drizzle and coconut ice cream. Heaven. I wonder if Ted Koppel enjoyed the same; the highly regarded reporter and journalist sat just a few tables behind us. We had a wonderful evening, but we soon were saying our goodbyes as we headed back to South Kensington in a classic London Black Cab (not without hangers and Tollhouse cookies in hand!). Upon our return, we changed outfits (we brought so many clothes we ought to wear them, right?) and met up with some friends down the hall for the start of the semester party, to be held at a club in Covent Garden called The Langley. We all had a really great time, but the highlight was meeting a few British “pilots” (we have our doubts) including a Daniel Radcliff look alike. Believe it or not, when I asked if he had ever visited the States before, he told me that the only time he had been was when he lived in Stamford, Connecticut for six months playing Rugby! Bring up any connection to Connecticut, and Carolyn and I are elated. We were just a little excited, to say the least.
As the night came to an end, we jumped in yet another London Black Cab back to South Kensington with a few friends. Another amazing night in Londontown came to an end. Tomorrow is our first day here with absolutely no scheduled activities; I don’t think any of you will be shocked to hear what we jumped at the opportunity to do.
   - LC

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