Wednesday, September 15, 2010

London Drizzle, Swiss Chocolate, and Bridget Jones

Even though we pretty much just started classes, we realized Tuesday that finals are only three weeks away...not cool.  This whole cramming a semester-long class into five weeks is not all it's cracked up to be.  With this lovely realization in mind, we returned home from Tuesday morning's classes to more work.  I remembered this afternoon why I can't read on my eyes were getting heavy probably two minutes after I sat down.  A move to the table and four hours of work later, we were both starving (really, though, when are we not?!).  We both made yummy stir-fry dishes for dinner; our moms would be so proud :)  Although it was fun to make, I'm realizing that the whole living in an apartment senior year and cooking for myself all the time thing might be a little difficult...I think I might actually miss the Pit.  But just for its convenience of course.  Our friend Ashley was sweet enough to get us a chocolate bar from Geneva over the weekend, so that of course satiated the aforementioned nightly chocolate craving.  After eating it, we've decided a trip to Geneva is a must.
After dinner, I headed over to the library at Harrington Gardens to work on one of my many projects.  This one in particular involves introducing a brand or company to the UK - my group is doing Robeks!!  I would call the library more of a book nook than an actual library, and on top of its tiny size it closes at 8 pm every night.  Lauren and I, along with most of the students here, think this absolutely ridiculous; don't they know college students usually don't even think about work until 8 pm?!  Anyways, we were forced out by 7:45 and headed back to Courtfield, where we worked for a while until we deemed it "movie time."  Tonight was Bridget Jones's Diary, another classic British romantic comedy.  I forgot how much I LOVE that movie!  We were literally giddy watching Hugh Grant and Colin Firth...heaven.  I'm glad to know someone shares my love of British men....Courtney.

All day it was quintessential London weather; a little nippy, cloudy, and kind of a constant drizzle.  It definitely made getting work done a little easier!  And cozier.  We're keeping our fingers crossed for a couple more days of warmer weather before it really becomes frigid...hopefully our Connecticut and Italy visitors bring us sunshine this weekend!
     xo Carolyn

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