Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Taking Care of Business

As our alarms jolted us at 7AM Monday morning, we knew it was the start of a long day. Make that a long week. We both managed to survive our four hour elective courses (although I had to come back to Courtfield during our 15 minute break for a much needed second cup of coffee), but the afternoon was not much to look forward to. So much to do, so little time. Carolyn made her first trek to the laundromat (I’m still trying to stretch it out as long as possible) and thankfully, everything came back the same size as it left! I, on the other hand, made two different grocery store trips. The first was to Waitrose for the weeks cooking supplies, the second to Sainsbury’s for the other two items essential to our survival (and sanity): bottled water and chocolate bars (emphasis on the s). You wouldn’t believe how quickly we go through both. Before we knew it, the afternoon had flown by and it was time to make dinner with some flat mates. The next item on the list: homework.
Current Bain of my Existence
Carolyn and I both agreed we would work until 9:30 before taking a “break” to watch the movie “The Queen” on the big screen downstairs (and by break we meant calling it a night). In our defense, it was extremely relevant and educational (just go along with it…), and we even ended up making it a hall activity. Tomorrow we’ll be more productive. We promise.
     xo LC
Just a quick re-cap on last night’s fireworks over the Thames: AMAZING! There were thousands of people there, but we got there early enough to find the perfect spot on the pedestrian bridge and had the most incredible view, St. Paul's Cathedral perfectly centered in the background. The city is so gorgeous at night.

The most amazing part: we got SEATS on the tube on the way back! It still boggles my mind; we were expecting it to be a complete mob scene. The Mayor sure knows how to throw a festival.

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