Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wait, we're taking classes here?!

Having to wake up Tuesday for class was a bit of an adjustment as our schedules last week had tricked us into thinking we only had one class a week.  Yeah right.  We now have eight hours of our elective classes under our belts, and it's so weird to think that we don't have it again until Monday!  I have to admit though, it's pretty nice!  After class, we all returned to our flat kitchen to have lunch and talk about our mornings.  As the afternoon rolled around, the weather became too perfect to be sitting inside, so I decided to venture out and have my first run (and some walk) through Hyde Park!  I probably looked like such an American, with my Nike shorts, Nike Shox, and Hanes t-shirt (don't worry, Mom, I only wear them working out), but I tried to blend in as best I could.  After making my way to the park entrance, I spent probably two hours just making my way through the grounds.  I ran by the Serpentine River and the lake next to Kensington Palace as well as the park's many statues (including the Peter Pan one, which I have been DYING to see since seeing it in "Winning London"...I know, I'm cool).  It was so gorgeous and peaceful - a perfect afternoon activity.  One thing I noticed, not only while running but pretty much since we've gotten here, is that everyone and their mother has a dog.  They are all so adorable, mostly terriers, and none of them are on leashes (or leads as they call them here), they just wander and explore and when they realize they've strayed run back excitedly to their owners.  Our tour guide from the other day had pointed out a dog cemetery on our bus ride, commenting that "We Brits love our dogs more than our children," and I can see that.  Seeing them always make me wish my doggies could be here, but I don't know how Parker would do without a leash...

Part of my running route!

After a completely soothing run, I came back to find Lauren sitting on her bed taking notes.  That's when it hit me...we also have to do homework here.  The next four glorious hours were spent taking notes and reading; it made me realize that I am still so not in the school mode, I don't think anyone here is really.  After our eyes couldn't take any more, we returned to the kitchen to make ourselves dinner and decide our activities for the night.  After our DVD fail the night before, we had decided we would rent movies from our school library and would try to watch one tonight.  Except when we went down to the TV room, all excited to watch "Love Actually," a group of kids were already crowded in the room just starting to watch another movie...about drug trade.  DVD fail part 2.  We returned to our floor, debating on what we should do, where we should go, but in the end we just ended up sitting in our hallway talking for three hours, which was just as fun!
Missing everyone at home!
     xo Carolyn

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