Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wake-Up Call

Monday began the first full week of classes, AKA our wake-up call. After almost three months of summer living, and a week of what felt like a group vacation in London, we were reminded of the primary reason for being here. Carolyn and I both had classes at 9AM; hers “Advertising in the U.K.” and mine “European Capital Markets.” Both went well, but no matter how much you enjoy a class, four hours per session is torture. Luckily it’s only for the next four weeks!
Where we have our four hour classes!

After class, we made lunch with some of our flat mates (our goal is to cook every day during the week… so far so good!) and conducted our daily afternoon Perez Hilton check before heading to the grocery store yet again. I told my mom I feel very European going to the grocery store every day. It’s perfect because you can buy whatever you’re in the mood for; unfortunately, on Monday we were in the mood for chocolate bars (fail). The afternoon flew by and before we knew it, it was time to make another meal (I swear we do other things than eat). After dinner, we all decided we weren’t in the mood to do school work, so the pouring rain outside convinced a group of us to make our way down to the basement with a DVD and cozy up on the couches for the first time. Culture Shock #2: American DVDs don’t work in Europe. Good thing I brought about ten with me (thanks Michael Oliver for the heads up). Thankfully, we found an American movie on one of the British networks that sufficed, but first stop tomorrow is the library at Harrington Gardens to rent “Love Actually” and “Bridget Jones’ Diary.” One movie and two chocolate bars later, a successful first night of school.
xo LC

1 comment:

  1. Also rent The Holiday, one of my favorites. I think I'd go crazy with a 4 hour class. I'm now hooked on the blog and must've checked 4 times until this was posted.
