Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Wicked Fun Night

We’re finally up to date! Thanks to everyone for bearing with us while we caught up; sorry if anybody’s morning coffee suffered because of it. ;)
This morning was back to the daily grind. I found myself waking up 20 minutes later than planned, but still managed to make it out the door by five past eight. My boss is still on holiday, so it’s just me and Carlo again for the week. Within twenty minutes of his arrival, he told me I was lucky: this week would be pretty slow since most of the testings had been released last week. Apparently, however, that changed around 10 o’clock when he announced he had a project for me that would take up most of my time this week. It’s called “Exploratory Testing” and instead of already knowing the problems and testing the solutions, the goal is to try and find problems. Basically it involves a whole lot of trades, line sheets, screen shots, and dozens of Excel worksheets; i.e. he wasn't lieing when he said it will take up a lot of my time.
After I spent most of my day working on project CFX 819 NY (I feel like I work at NASA or something), I was very excited to leave work at 5:30, hop on the Tube, and meet Carolyn, Maggie, and Ashley in Covent Garden for Maggie’s 21st birthday celebration! We met at the Lion King theatre in hopes of getting Student Rush tickets, but unfortunately, they only had standing-room-only tickets left, which was not an option for us. So, we hopped in a cab (it was raining in London can you believe it?) and headed over to the Victoria Apollo theatre: home of Wicked! Long-time Wicked fanatics, Carolyn, Maggie, and I had been dying to see the production in London. Ashley had never seen it so we were all excited to experience her first-time with her. We managed to score 15th row orchestra tickets for 25 quid, offering a perfect view. With just about an hour before the show was to start, we were all starving so we made our way down Wilton Road (I think it’s a sign that the theatre is on it) in search of a restaurant. We ended up at Dim-T, just a few blocks away, for some delicious pad thai!
Seven-thirty quickly approached and we headed back to the Apollo for the show; our seats were fantastic and allowed a full view of the stage. Carolyn and I had forgotten how incredible the costumes and stage craft were, apart from the amazing score and story line, of course. Glinda was played by the understudy, but she was still very, very good (and very perky!). Elpheba, on the other hand, was INCREDIBLE. Her voice was phenomenal and, although on one could ever top Idina Menzel, she came very close. It was funny hearing it all done in British accents, however. One of the highlights for Carolyn was seeing Lee Mead play the role of Fiyero. He won a West End-star reality show here (kind of like what they did for Grease on NBC) and the girls went crazy for him during the final curtain. Admittedly, we waited at the stage door to try and snag a picture, but we gave up after about 20 minutes to no avail.
 Best. Stage. Ever.
By the time we all got back to Courtfield it was 11 o'clock and we were all exhausted after a full day of work and a night on the town; but the night was a success: Maggie had a great 21st birthday!
Another 7AM wake-up call tomorrow morning…
      xo LC

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