Sunday, October 3, 2010

Are We Done Yet?

Another lazy day around Courtfield. We started out pretty early, both Carolyn and I dressed and ready to attack our studying by 9AM. Well, I was dressed. Carolyn admirably studied pretty much all day for her marketing exam, minus a couple of quick errands, while I managed to procrastinate in every possible way, shape, and form. I’m not too worried about my exam tomorrow, but the one on Tuesday has the possibility of being tricky. Before I knew it, noon-time had rolled around and I made a trip to the grocery store (another procrastination mechanism) to buy enough food to last me for the next two days before we leave. When I returned, I finally gave in and made a study guide for my International Management exam. With the afternoon hours passing slowly, and only a few breaks in between, Carolyn and I were very ready to escape to the kitchen come 6 o’clock. We both made our gourmet dinner specialty of… pasta! Once we get back from Italy, it probably won’t be as satisfying anymore.
After dinner, I took an extended break to reply to a few e-mails while Carolyn, Maggie, and Ashley had a Marketing study-sesh. Tonight I’m (hopefully) going to start studying for my European Capital Markets final; I think I officially have “study-abroad-slump,” a new term I’ve coined. Only the thought of leaving for Italia in less than 48 hours is keeping us going; the environment here is just not conducive to doing school work, but it has to be done! Wish us luck!
   xo LC

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