Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sleepy Saturday

When we had discussed what we were going to do this weekend, we had big plans for Saturday.  We decided we would get up early, have a nice breakfast, hit Portobello Market and then explore Wimbledon in the afternoon.  Turns out these plans couldn't be farther from what we actually did today.  We woke up to find our alarm clocks reading 11:30...oops!  I think it was a new record for Lauren...I was proud :) It was so nice to sleep in though, since it was already clouding up outside and was expected to downpour later in the afternoon.  After pulling ourselves from our warm beds, we got ready and walked down to High Street with a big group to have brunch (it's still considered brunch at 1 pm, right?) at giraffe. We had gone here with my mom when she visited, and have been wanting to go back to try their delicious looking breakfast menu.  After eating a ton, we walked outside just in time for the sky to open up and start raining.  Portobello Market was looking less and less appealing, and we had all decided we absolutely did not have enough energy to go all the way to Wimbledon.  So we thought we would head back to Courtfield and decide what to do.  We were very lazy and took the tube from High Street to Gloucester (one stop), but of course not before stopping for a little something sweet.  We went into Ben's Cookies, which is a small store in the High Street tube station.  Let me tell you, these are some of the best cookies I have ever had - I'm already planning on bringing a box home with me at the end of the semester!
When we got back to our flat, we were all exhausted.  The combination of our night out, the weather and looming exam days were all making us want to just get in sweats and do nothing, which is exactly what we did!  We spent the rest of the afternoon drinking tea, making travel plans and listening to some of our favorite Broadway music.  When dinnertime came, we decided we didn't want to get back into normal clothes, so we decided to try and order in Chinese.  This venture turned out to be a great success; we ordered from the Good Earth, one of my grandparents' favorite spots when they were living here, and they even delivered it to our door free of charge!  When it arrived, we all made our way downstairs to the basement, dug in and watched Love Actually.  With the rain pouring down on the window above us, some amazing food and Colin Firth, it was the perfect cozy Saturday night in.  After finishing in the basement, Maggie and I watched Becoming Jane (I've finally found someone who loves these period movies as much as Emma and I do!) while Lauren diligently worked on the blog.  We decided to make it an early night since Sunday was our official study  It's been months since we've had to study for tests, let alone finals, so wish us luck!!
    xo Carolyn

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