Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Woke Up in the Dark, Arrived Home in the Dark"

This morning was the first we actually woke up to pretty much pitch black outside.  When our iPhones chimed at 6:45 and 7am, the street light next to our window was still shining brightly, beckoning us to get up and prepare for the start of the third week of our placements.  After our usual morning routines, Lauren made her way to the tube (yet again in heels...I'm extremely impressed) while I strolled over to Kelso Place.
Since this week is half term, today was the only day of the week my boss, Anne, would be in the office; consequently we had plenty to do!  My morning was spent printing out more PCP barcodes for various stores (I'm now a proud expert) and continuing on my (never ending) competition report...yes, I'm still working on The Body Shop.  Around noon, Anne was meeting with executives from the Crabtree & Evelyn US offices, which are actually based in Connecticut!  When I had the chance to meet them and told them where I was from, they excitedly told me where the offices were and that I would have to call them upon my return home.  The one woman asked "how come London offices get Connecticut interns but we can't?!"  They were very sweet, and it was fun to see their enthusiasm of products that are soon going to be introduced into the US, especially all the delicious food lines!
Whenever I have a dull moment at the office, I spend it on AOL.  While my laptop here directs me only to the UK AOL site, at work I am able to see the US site, which while it seems kind of pathetic is such a luxury!  A girl can only hear so much about the X Factor and Manchester United.  It even has Wilton news!!  Anyways, one of the main articles today was a review of the best peanut butter cups available.  Of course I had to read it, and of course after perusing the options (Trader Joe's won, I'm sure you were dying to know) all I wanted was a Reese's.  After enjoying a falafel wrap for lunch at Whole Foods, I headed to the bottom level of the store to see if they had any kind of peanut butter cup or chocolate bar with peanut butter.  No luck.  Since desperate times call for desperate measures, my solution was a jar of peanut butter and a milk chocolate bar.  After purchasing them sheepishly, I headed back upstairs to the cafe, found a table near the corner and concocted the wonderful combo.  Hit the spot - the English seriously do not know what they're missing!
This afternoon I completed a few other small tasks until I was called into Anne's office to discuss some of the things I would need to do throughout the coming days.  My main project will be sorting through a selection of third party products that the company might be interested in selling in-store.  There are numerous websites, magazines and booklets to look through, so I know I will be kept busy!  By the time I had organized everything to start tomorrow, it was 5:30 and time to head home.  I walked out of the office to a dark and rainy sky, true London weather.  After popping into Waitrose to pick up some pasta, I headed back to Courtfield where I waited for Lauren to return from the City before congregating in the kitchen with our flatmates to make our meals.  Now we're relaxing in our room, eager to get another good night's sleep since we know we will probably be waking up in the dark once again.  At least daylight's savings is this weekend, can't wait for that extra hour!
    xo Carolyn

P.S. Forgot to mention I listened to T.Swift's new album literally all day today.  I am officially obsessed! If you have not listened to it yet, you are seriously missing out!  Already excited to listen to my iPod at the office tomorrow!

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