Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Music of the Night

Today was our last day of our core classes - even though each one is four hours, I honestly can't believe how fast these five weeks have gone by!  While lucky Lauren was done with presentations on Wednesday, I still had one more to go.  My group and I presented our marketing plan for Robek's launch in the UK.  Although we only had to watch one group present before we went, I still hated every minute of just sitting there waiting.  I always get so psyched out when the first group had included something we left out, does something differently than us, etc.  Luckily, our presentation went well and we all could let out a major sigh of relief after class!!  Since we finished early with presentations, I came back and finished up my Advertising paper...all that's left is some editing!  When Lauren returned from class, we both had lunch before walking over to High Street for a bit of afternoon shopping.  Our friend Maggie was dying to go, and we both had errands to run, so we had legitimate excuses :)  We stopped at all our favorites, including Whole Foods where we stocked up on our favorite peanut butter, and H&M, where we found a couple cute things.  By the time we returned to Courtfield, we decided to have a quick dinner, since we wanted to do something special tonight.
We decided that since we were all done with presentations and papers (for the most part), we would celebrate and attempt to go get tickets to see a show.  We hopped on a tube to Piccadilly to meet Katie and her friend from Villanova.  From there, we went to Her Majesty's Theatre, home to The Phantom of the Opera.  I will admit I had never been dying to see this show; I knew most of the music and loved it, but just have never had a strong desire to see it on Broadway.  Since we're seeing the sequel with the Cassels in October, though, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to see it.  Lauren had been raving about it, so I was definitely looking forward to seeing what it was all about.  We had decent seats in the first balcony; I think we got so spoiled after being in the third row for Jersey Boys, but these turned out to be great too.  The show was absolutely amazing; the costumes were unbelievably gorgeous, the songs were exquisite, and the whole story line is just so intriguing.  Now I cannot wait to see the sequel, I hope the music is just as amazing as it is in the original.  Overall, I would absolutely recommend it - I've been listening to it nonstop since leaving the theater!
After the show let out, we decided to pop into this club that everyone had told us was lots of fun.  After getting in for free (!), we took an elevator up to the main floor.  From here we had the most amazing views of London, including the Eye and Big Ben and Parliament; it was like something out of a movie, so incredible.  Unfortunately it was empty in the club, so we returned home early - the views were worth it though!  Unfortunately, tomorrow we have our Elective class, but hey, at least it's the last class!!  Let's hope it goes by quickly :)
   xo Carolyn

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