Sunday, October 24, 2010

Casual Friday

Friday, October 22nd
I'm currently sitting at my computer in my office (shh!) working on my competition analysis.  I officially hate the Body Shop...not only because I'm now partial to Crabtree but they have literally thousands of products, and every single one of them have risen in price, so I have had to go through the existing price list and change every single one.  Only about 3/4 of the way done, so we'll see how long it all takes me.  Other than that, the day has been pretty quiet as my boss, Anne, works from home on Fridays.  The only semi-stressful occurrence was first thing this morning, when I came in to find my inbox inundated with e-mails from stores.  Apparently I have been designated the contact person for PCP (like a VIP) card requests.  Each card has to have a unique bar code, which are printed here in the office.  It is a very complicated process (luckily I think it's changing soon) that deals with multiple computers and spreadsheets, and guess who gets to do it now?!  With the help of Yvonne I eventually figured it out, but it was a bit nerve-wracking.  This afternoon I have to send out a mass e-mail to all the stores telling them their new PCP cards will be arriving with their other promotional materials next week.
For lunch I, of course, went to Whole Foods, where I tried a mezze platter, which is something where you can choose from various Mediterranean snacks and was quite yummy!  I realize that I should probably venture away from Whole Foods and explore my options, but going in there every day is just so relaxing, it's almost a comfort.  I guess next week I'll research other possibilities...maybe.  After lunch I stopped by buttercup, a cupcake shop that is literally right around the corner from the office...not good.  I had a red velvet, which was soo yummy.  Have to admit, though, it made me miss Crumbs...nothing can top that (ahh, I miss Top That too!).
I'm leaving the office a half hour early this evening, as I am on my way to Gatwick to fly to Oslo for the weekend!  Whenever I tell one of my friends I'm going to Norway, they ask "what made you pick there?"  I guess I have just always wanted to go, maybe it's all the years visiting the Epcot pavilion.  Anyways, I'm meeting Katie and Hilary Rance at Victoria Station, and we are meeting Brittany in Oslo tonight!  I wish Lauren was coming, but I know she and Emily are going to have so much fun!!  We had so much fun at dinner last night, I wish I could spent more time with them - maybe when we're all home!  For now, it's off to Norway!  Can't wait to update you on all my Scandavanian adventures!!
   xo Carolyn

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