Monday, October 4, 2010

Can Taste the Gelato Now...

Lauren and I are currently downstairs in the Courtfield basement, both diligently studying for our second and last finals tomorrow.  I had my first at 9 am this morning, while Lauren didn't have hers until noon.  Mine wasn't too bad, although after two hours of writing my hand wanted to fall off, and Lauren said hers was fine as well.  4 credits under our belt already!  After Lauren's final ended at 2, we had to make our way to our beloved Ciné Lumière for our final pre-internship tutorial.  Here they told us what to expect from our employers, our academic responsibilities during the period, etc.  We had heard it all a million times before, but it was a good excuse to delay studying for tomorrow.  After the meeting was done all the Internship Program students were invited back to Harrington to enjoy an afternoon tea with the Dean of Students from BU.  We enjoyed (too many) delicious scones, cakes, and cups of tea.  And now we're back here in our cozy basement, trying to stay awake.  Only one more final tomorrow and then we're off to Italia!  We cannot believe fall break is already here, but we're so excited!  We will try to keep you updated from Florence and Rome, but don't blame us if we're too busy eating to post until our return to London :)
   xo Carolyn

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