Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Weary Wednesday

This morning was another 6:45 pitch-black wake-up call. And it was drizzling out to top it all off. Despite the less than desirable circumstances, I made my way to the tube at a little past 8 o’clock. That timing proved to be a much better decision than yesterday’s when, between the two underground lines, I had to wait for five different trains before I could fit on (and by fit I mean I had to watch to make sure my backside wasn’t obstructing the door sensors).
This morning was very quiet in the office, with my boss off today and tomorrow for an exam she is taking. Our manager visiting from the NYC headquarters did stop by to chat for a little which was fun (his sister and nephews live in Wilton… such a small world!), but other than that I spent most of the morning reporting my testing results from yesterday back to Carlo and taking some online classes. Lunch time arrived and I was feeling quite lazy, especially staring out the window to utter dreariness, so I made my way down to the cafeteria, where I opted for Indian food which was actually extremely good (although I’m no connoisseur). Who would have thought JPMorgan could whip out such a great naan?!
After lunch, I started planning out the next assignment for my Internship Tutorial, which is essentially to create a presentation that we would use in a future interview to illustrate the projects and/or skills we’ve acquired during our placement. The problem with my situation, however, is confidentiality issues. I asked my boss what I can and can not utilize, and basically she told me to just create my project, and then she would review it and approve the information or not. So, essentially I could create a presentation that is completely useless and have to start all over again. Great prospects, right?
The afternoon went by slowly, although the sun and Cadbury chocolate helped tremendously. I did have to dial-in into two different phone conferences, one on the prioritization of IRFE and GAPP projects, the other the “FX IT Prime Brokerage Weekly Team Meeting” (at least that’s what my Outlook Calendar says…). You should see me sitting at my dual-screen desk wearing my headset… I look far more important than deserved! For instance, about 5 minutes into the call, my 30-year old Australian co-worker and I were both completely lost in IT and developer lingo (although he has his degree in it…), so naturally, we proceeded to IM each other about Taylor Swift from our desks (which are next to each other I might add). 
Right around 4:30, I was given a testing project that needed to be completed before the end of the business day (this is the problem with the New York time difference). I frantically worked on splitting trades, finishing right at 6PM on the dot when I was able to start the trek back to Courtfield (in the dark once again). After a leisurely dinner with flat mates, which I now look forward to every day, we lounged in our room before watching Glee in Maggie's room. Completely exhausted, I naturally turned to some TSwift and Project Runway for some relief (works every time!) before turning in for a good nights sleep.

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