Sunday, October 3, 2010


Waking up Friday for class was an (unwelcomed) first for us. Both Carolyn and my elective class professors had assigned an extra four-hour lecture for the last possible day. And at 9AM. So generous. The four hours went painfully slow, but once it was over we were beyond excited (and ready) for the weekend to finally be here. The rain continued to pour down, so I took the afternoon to get a few things organized, relax, and drink tea in my BC sweatpants. Perfect. It’s hard to believe its already October 1st, which means we’ve been here for over a full month. It seems like half of that. Luckily, we have two more months of fun ahead of us! :)
Our plans for the night were to celebrate our friend Lauren’s birthday! We started off having dinner and (delicious) cake at an Italian restaurant on Cromwell. I think we passed the obnoxious American test by having nine people sing Happy Birthday at the top of their lungs, followed by about 5 minutes of flash photography. Afterwards we had to make a necessary chocolate bar run at Sainsbury’s before returning to Courtfield to get ready for Club Egg! We bought tickets through our Social Programme; it’s supposedly one of the best clubs in London. It’s also the only club in London with an outdoor courtyard. Good thing it was raining (probably why it’s the only club in London with a courtyard….) However, their ultimate claim-to-fame is, if people are so inclined as to stay until 5 or 6am, (don’t worry parents, we were sound asleep), the club serves eggs for breakfast to all the hardcore partiers. I can’t even imagine that sight. Nor do I ever plan on finding out. However, all in all, it was a really fun night out with friends.

I just want to close my post with a shout out to another birthday girl… my mommy! I was able to call and serenade her with my beautiful voice, and it sounded like she had a eventful day planned. I wish I could have been there to celebrate with her, but in less than four weeks, they’ll be arriving for their visit!
xo LC

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