Friday, October 29, 2010

Don't Judge Me, Lizzy

A weather cast of sunny and 57 degrees today definitely made this morning a bit more tolerable.  Although we still had to dress by the light of our phones, it was nice to walk out the door and not be struck with bone chilling cold.  Before work, I had to walk down Gloucester Road (with my giant Vera Bradley bag...I got a few confused looks) and drop off my laundry.  I was very excited to find a shortcut over to Emperor's Gate which leads me right to my office.  My walk is definitely my favorite part of the morning; my route leads me down the most charming, quiet street lined with quaint flats and beautiful shrubbery.  I constantly pass mothers taking their children (ALL on scooters) to school in their adorable uniforms and older men walking their dogs - it's definitely a relaxing way to start the day.  My time at the office today was spent working on my third party product research.  I've had to e-mail what seems like hundreds of people asking for wholesale price lists, trade accounts, etc.  I am making good headway on it, and hopefully I will be able to get it cleaned up and finished tomorrow!
This afternoon was definitely the highlight of the day, as we had a biscuit tasting!  The woman in charge of food is selecting products for the Summer line, so we lucky co-workers get to test everything!  Yesterday we had a tea tasting, where we sampled mostly fruit teas such as Apple, Mango, and Spiced Orange.  Today, our biscuit flavors included White Chocolate Lemon (my fave), Honey and Oat, Ginger and Ginger Spice.  They were all really good and the perfect afternoon pick me up to help me from fading into sleepiness.  Luckily it carried me until 5:15, when I was free to leave and pick up my laundry.
When I arrived back at Courtfield, I only had about 15 minutes to put my clothes away as I had my second Internship tutorial.  Ashley and I had to sit in a Harrington classroom for an hour and a half listening to our professor talk about the business world and hearing everyone's experiences at their placements so far.  Although it was interesting to hear what each person was doing, it was a serious struggle to stay awake.  When class got out, I decided to run down to South Kensington Station and Chopstix Noodle Bar to pick up some dinner...I was craving Chinese, and the 20 minute walk turned out to be totally worth it.
After dinner, Maggie and I made our way down to the basement to watch our beloved Pride and Prejudice.  We had been wanting to watch it since we've gotten here, and when she received it from her placement (at Universal) for her birthday, we knew this was the perfect opportunity.  This is one of my absolute favorite movies (and inspiration for this entry's title...only Courtney will be able to really appreciate this) even though most of my family makes fun of me for liking it.  I forgot how funny it was and how amazing the characters and storyline are, it just made me so happy watching it!  For some reason it was so much better watching it in England, although the British version did leave out the best scene (the ending where they kiss!) but luckily they had the "Alternate US Ending," so we were satisfied.
Now Lauren and I are snug in our beds listening to T.Swift and getting sleepy fast.  Work is on the agenda for me tomorrow, but lucky Lauren is having the day off because the Cassels are officially in London!  They arrived tonight, and we get to spend most of the weekend with them!  We're so excited to get to show them our city!
    xo Carolyn

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