Tuesday, October 19, 2010

TGIF (As Always...)

Friday, October 15th
By Friday morning, we had the “getting ready” timing down to a science. Cue 8 o’clock and I was out the door, but not before giving Carolyn a big hug and wishing her well on her trip off to Scotland!
The morning in the office was quite busy, with two different assignments for me to complete before lunch time. I started off testing basic trade flows between the two systems, where I discovered some issues with the original IRFE trades flowing through GAPP and into Traiana, even after the 20-minute system lag (I’m also using some of this as my journal assignment for our Internship class so apologies for all the boring lingo!). Carlo looked into the software some more and discovered that there was a problem with the client reference numbers, and forwarded the issue on to the developers. After that task was complete, I started on to the next, testing a fix the developers had implemented into the platform. I communicated back to Carlo my findings and he informed me that this is not what the developers in New York City were hoping for, so we would need to send my screen shots and test flows to them for further development. Before I knew it, the morning had flown by, and I headed down to the corporate cafeteria for the delicious salad bar (part of my continuing Italy detox!).
View of my Building from the Pedestrian Bridge!
 The afternoon proved slow once again. One of the trading platforms was down, but I did get to listen in on the IT Project Managers’ weekly prioritization call (on my super cool headset of course), in which the urgency of specific issues for the following week is discussed. The people on the call were from offices all over the world, from London to Glasgow to New York and Mumbai. There was a lot of jargon which I did not recognize; however, I understood the overall problems at hand, and how the issues would be delegated out for resolution. It was interesting to hear how the department at large is able to communicate and come together to manage projects while still being thousands of miles apart.
Friday afternoon finally came to and end, and I was dismissed for the weekend. It’s hard to believe I’ve finished my first week at JPMorgan; but I’m also very much looking forward to a few days off! I spent the early evening watching the remaining episodes of Project Runway my parents had sent over (thank you!), and managed to find the new season of Greys Anatomy online. Maggie arrived back around 7, and after dinner, we headed out to the London School of Economics with our friend Allie to check out the student club there, which turned out to be a lot of fun and a great way for all of us to relax after our first week.
xo LC

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