Wednesday, December 1, 2010


The title of this post was also the main headline of last night's Evening Standard.  So much for that...we woke up this morning to a few stray flurries on the ground, but nothing to even make you think that there would be any trouble getting to work.  Not so; I was the first to arrive at my office this morning, and turned out to be one of the few, as trains were running late and it took some of my coworkers five hours to get home last night.  As Lauren and I emailed each other throughout the day, she assured me that everyone at her office made it in, which is really a miracle because "those three flurries were making me nervous" (her words).
Since there were not many in the office (including my boss, who was stuck in Frankfurt but has finally made it back), it was a rather slow day.  I did some organizing and cleaning, and sent out a few odds and ends to different stores.  For the most part, though, I spent the afternoon catching up on AOL.  At ten minutes to 5, my coworker said I could leave if I liked, so I bundled up and headed back to Courtfield.  After a quick refreshing, I was back out in the cold and on my way to Covent Garden.  Ashley and I decided earlier in the day that we would try to get tickets for Dirty Dancing tonight since we had both been eager to see it, and with less than two weeks left we thought it's now or never!  Luckily, when we arrived at the Aldwych Theatre there were plenty of tickets left for student rush; we were given great seats in the center stalls with a perfect view of the stage; we were excited!
With an hour and a half until the show started, we walked around Covent Garden looking for a place for dinner and ended up at wagamama.  I have been here two times in London, and I seem to have gotten the wrong thing both times I've been; this time I knew what to order and it was delicious!  When we were done, we needed something sweet (what else is new?) and popped into Ben's Cookies for milk & chocolate and praline ones.  SO nutella in a cookie, which is never a bad thing!
We arrived back at the theater around 7, and after delay due to a "technical problem," the show began at 7:50.  I really enjoyed it; at first it was a little weird because I found myself constantly comparing it to the movie, but once I got past that I absolutely loved it.  My favorite part was, of course, the dancing...this and Billy Elliot make me miss Walter even more!  All the actors were fantastic, and of course the music included all the favorites; Ashley and I were bopping along to "Hungry Eyes, "Time of My Life," and many more.  We walked out singing to the music and into...what do you know...the snow!  Apparently it's supposed to continue throughout the night and all day tomorrow, so maybe the Standard headline will be more fitting for tomorrow - we'll see!
   xo Carolyn

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