Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Final Post

Although this is almost three weeks late, I figured better late than never! Getting settled back in and organized amongst the holiday craziness has taken much longer than I ever anticipated. Without further ado, here is my final post!
December 11th, 2010
As I write this, I am on the last 2-hour leg of our flight to JFK. Technically speaking, we’ve officially crossed the pond! I figured I would start off more light-hearted, with a list of all the things I’m looking forward to back in Connecticut, and all the things I’m going to miss in London. I figured it was only appropriate since I’ve been telling everyone who asks about my departure, “It’s bitter-sweet”. So here it is, my “Bitter-Sweet List!”

Bitter: I know you’re all thinking it, so I’ll list it first, the myriad of FOOD; having an exciting enough life to blog about; the expectation of afternoon tea and scones; being able to walk to the grocery store; seeing those adorable British school children in their uniforms every morning; getting lost in Harrods; the ability to explore a new area or see something new every single day; taking pictures of Big Ben every time; “Mind the Gap”; constantly being surrounded by British accents (and just the British culture in general); newfound Wake and JPMorgan friends; and most of all, spending time with Carolyn every day! :)
Sweet: eating healthy again (let’s hope); everything being in dollars!; no more midget bathroom sink; my BED; not living my life out of four drawers; having control over the heat; laundry not costing an arm and a leg (per load); DRIVING!; American television and DVR; manicures & pedicures; no more second-hand smoke everywhere I go; Christmas in Connecticut (and CT in general); seeing Brock and Collin walk!; hearing Audrey talk (and say my name!); meeting Yoseph for the first time; David and Jack’s visit from California; visiting both WHS and BC friends; a cruise in less than 4 weeks; my house; and most of all, my parents smiling faces at the airport exit!

Now, for the sappiness in me. After the hectic morning at Heathrow (re: luggage), I am definitely ready to finally get home. However, at the same time, I did get teary eyed looking out the window as we lifted up from the runway. London has officially become, and will always be, a major milestone in my life. I will never, ever forget it. It’s an experience I am eternally grateful for, and there are so many aspects of the experience I am thankful for: first and foremost, to my parents for funding, but more importantly supporting and encouraging me throughout my entire journey, I can’t begin to thank you enough. To Carolyn, for being the best friend anybody could ever ask for; I could not think of anyone else I would have rather spent the past three, amazing months with, and I am beyond grateful and lucky to have you. To Maggie, Ashley, and Allie, I can’t tell you how happy I am that we met and became such close friends; I cannot wait until our Wake and London reunions; I’m going to miss you all so much! And finally, thank you to all of YOU! Whether you were one of the people who e-mailed me inquiring when we would catch-up on days long-gone past (sorry about those times, by the way) or quietly read on the side, everyday or once in a while, any which way I am so pleased I was able to share my experience with all of you, and hopefully, you all enjoyed experiencing it along with me. I’m also so thrilled that 15 years from now, Carolyn and I will have this to share with our children and (potentially British) husbands (everyone cross your fingers!). Although there were occasional nights when we both were guilty of complaining about writing posts, I can speak for both of us when I say it was beyond worth all our time and hard-work.
So after 102 posts, some better than others, some ordinary and some filled with the extraordinary, and with tears starting to flow down my face (thank goodness I’m sitting by myself), this is the end of my blogging! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the most amazing thirteen weeks of my life. I love you all!
     A Final Cheers,

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