Sunday, December 5, 2010

L is for the way you look at me...

Since Lauren and I had to wake up relatively early for a Saturday morning yesterday, we decided to make the most of this morning and sleep in!  After waking up around 10, we both started into our final papers for our internship tutorials.  Both of our assignments instructed us to reflect on our experience within our placements and connect what have learned in our offices to our class lectures.  Not the most thrilling of subjects, but we managed to plough through them and are now in the finishing stages of editing.
Around 2, I decided to take a break and make on of my last, if not the last (sad thought), Waitrose runs.  I tried to plan ahead for the rest of the week and buy everything I would need, but knowing me I will probably end up realizing I forgot something in the near future.  Upon my return, I munched on pita and tzastiki while watching The Parent Trap.  I have not seen this movie in years, so it was fun to watch it and catch all the little jokes I didn't understand when I first saw the movie at 8.  The best part though, of course, was getting to see the London scenes!  I made sure to check Elizabeth James' flat and it was indeed the one we got pictures of!!  And I can finally recognize all the places Lindsay Lohan passes by during her cab ride to "There She Goes."  Needless to say, I loved the movie as much as I always have...such a classic!
The rest of the day has been spent being a total slug.  Lauren made a Waitrose run shortly after mine, but other than that we have been in our beds either essay writing or web surfing.  On the agenda tonight is final editing, a quiet dinner, and maybe a movie downstairs!  Nothing like a lazy Sunday..I just can't believe this is our last one in London!  We need to get to bed early tonight, though, as our last week is going to be a busy one!!
    xo Carolyn

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