Wednesday, December 1, 2010

First Flurries & Final Four

This morning I awoke to a “wintery mix,” as we would call it in New England. From the sky, it looked like snow, but the time it hit the ground it turned to rain. This made for quite the wet commute to work, but I have to say, even the hint of snow made the cold that much bearable!
Today begins the final four days of our internship, but the first day at my new desk. Our team has relocated to the opposite side of the floor, which has its pluses and minuses. I’m right in front of a two-story floor-to-ceiling glass window (in which I can see the top half of the London Eye!), but the company around our desk area isn’t nearly as fun. At least I only have to deal with it for three more days!
I spent my morning unpacking and organizing the new desk, before checking the trading system flows and following up on some e-mails. My nickname should be “the hound”; whenever someone doesn’t respond to an e-mail within a day or two, my boss instructs me to send a “follow-up” e-mail, but essentially, I’m just being a noodge (Yiddish for pest)! The morning surprisingly flew by, and before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I braved the cold once again to head to Lebaneats, a restaurant I pass every day on my commute and have been dying to try since I started. So, I figured my last week was an appropriate time to try it! Definitely worth the wait. After some lentil soup, falafel, tabbouleh, and hummus (and some chocolate candy from last night’s Winter Wonderland visit), I was set for the rest of the afternoon.
The snow continued to bluster steadily through the afternoon, putting the office in quite a panic. My boss is also the manager of BCP (Business Continuity Planning) and by mid-afternoon she had already booked ten hotel rooms for employees to stay in over night… to ensure they would be able to make it into the office tomorrow morning. The snow isn’t even sticking, people! These are the times I appreciate my East Coast upbringing!
My original plan for the evening was to meet Carolyn and Maggie at the Somerset House to go ice skating, but around 10:30 this morning, I got an e-mail (forwarded to me from my boss) with complimentary Billy Elliot tickets! They sell out in minutes, if that, through the online system, so as soon as I got the e-mail, I clicked through and secured three! Let me preface by saying all semester we have been dying to see this show, but because they don’t do Student Rush tickets, we were not willing to risk the £60. No guarantee on how great the seats will be, but hey, they’re free! Very, very excited!
My boss told me I could "head out early to avoid the snow" (??) around 5 o'clock, but, since I was meeting Maggie and Carolyn at 6:20, I passed on the offer I normally would have jumped at! When I arrived at the theater, Maggie and Carolyn were already waiting, so I grabbed the tickets (5th row balcony!) before we headed off to Giraffe for dinner.
The show was INCREDIBLE. You all know how I love dance and little kids, so couple the two together and I was in heaven. There were a few bits of British humor that I missed out on, but other than that, seeing it in London made the experience that much more enjoyable. Our seats had a perfect view, and the boy who played Billy was phenomenal. I learned only after returning to Courtfield that last night was his premiere performance! You would have never guessed. Incredible. I can't wait to see it again on Broadway : )

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