Thursday, December 9, 2010

Finals & Farewells

Wednesday, December 8th
It’s hard to believe 72 hours from now we will be on our way to Heathrow, starting the (very) long journey home! Carolyn and I woke up around nine Wednesday morning; Carolyn began her packing, while I dove right into researching for our Architecture final tomorrow. The final is a “seen paper” – we know the essay question, but we have to research and memorize all the information in order to write about it for one to two hours. We’re both writing about the effect of the Blitz on London architecture and urbanism, so there are a myriad of dates and facts to be memorized.
The majority of the day was spent doing work, but at least tomorrow we will officially be done for the semester. Carolyn took a break around three o’clock to head to the Orangery at Kensington Palace for afternoon tea with Maggie and Ashley. Neither of them had been to tea yet, and with Ashley leaving tomorrow, Carolyn and I both stressed to her it was a must-do. I, unfortunately, had to stay back at Courtfield and continue working since I would be leaving just a couple of hours later for JPMorgan’s F&O Christmas Party. The party is at a bar just a few blocks down from the office, so I first went back to the headquarters to say goodbye to a few people before heading out with my boss and coworker. They both wrote me a very sweet card and got me a small gift, which was very thoughtful. It was just the first of many (sad) goodbyes to come…

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