Sunday, December 12, 2010

Away We Go

Saturday, December 11th
Bags zipped, passport packed, iPod fully charged.  It feels like only yesterday Lauren and I were anticipating our arrival in London; I cannot believe it has been nearly four months since our first posts!  The time has truly flown by, but in a wonderful way.  This has been, without a doubt, the most amazing experience of my life and one that I will never forget.  We have gotten to travel to unbelievable places, made life long friends, and lived in one of the world's most vibrant and amazing cities.  We are going to miss our life in London so much, although we both agreed last night that we are ready for the familiar faces and comforts of home!
Some of the things we will miss the most: accents (of course), delicious food, and exploring our area of South Kensington and everything around it.  Things we will not miss: the fact that everyone and their mother smokes here, slow service, and not being able to drive.  Though we certainly have things we will miss, we will look back on this time with nothing but the fondest of memories.  There is no one I would have rather had this experience with; Lauren has truly been the ultimate best friend on this trip!  We have had so many fun times together, which has made our friendship even stronger - we agreed we're going to have to have sleepovers occasionally because we'll miss each other too much!
Our cab is set to arrive in only a short bit to take us to Heathrow, and everything just seems so surreal.  I'm finding myself trying to take mental pictures of everything surrounding me, as I do not want to forget anything about my time here. But we'll be back, I'm sure of it.  For now though, we will say cheers to our beloved London and head home to our beloved Wilton, Connecticut.
     xo Carolyn

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